Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Propaganda For War With Iran: Iranian Ships Attack Iraqi Coast Guard Vessels

In an ominous development, the propaganda effort to lead the U.S. into war with Iran is ramping up with a report on a skirmish between the Iranian Navy and the Iraqi Coast Guard.

Buried at the end of a WaPo story today on the kidnapped journalist Jill Carroll, we find the following:

Mutlak said he had spoken to most of the parties making up the main Shiite religious coalition and had been encouraged, but said he was troubled by Hakim's comments on the constitution.

"For me, this is outside interference," Mutlak said, voicing a suspicion common among Sunnis that neighboring Iran, a Shiite theocracy, was using Iraq's Shiite religious parties as proxies for its own ends.

Adding to such fears was another incident reported Tuesday, in which the Iraqi government asserted that an Iranian ship had attacked Iraqi coast guard vessels in the disputed Shatt al Arab waterway near the Persian Gulf. The Iraqis had been chasing a merchant ship suspected of smuggling oil when the ship raised an Iranian flag and called for help from nearby Iranian navy ships, the governor of Basra province, Mohammed Waeli, said in an interview.

The Iranians fired at the two Iraqi patrol boats, then boarded them, arresting eight Iraqi sailors and injuring one, Waeli said.

Iranian diplomats at first denied that the incident had taken place, but later acknowledged that it was "under investigation," according to the Reuters news service.

A spokesman for Iraq's Foreign Ministry, Omar Baytay, said that the foreign minister had met with an Iranian envoy in Baghdad, but that he did not know the results of their discussion.

The demonization of the new Iranian president, and the constant harping about the Iranian nuclear program has apparently not been sufficiently frightening to the war-weary American public. The clear and present military danger from the freedom hatin' Iranians is next on the menu.

The administration will hopefully learn that the American people have lost their appetite for any more "chef's surprises" from this kitchen.


Blogger M1 said...

It could be a full-time job keeping up with stories like this one. Nice catch on this mini Tonkin.

Remember when Geraldo and what's his name of Fox started balling like babies down in NOLA and some thought that we were witnessing a paradigm shift in the 4rth estate's relationship to power and and power's jive? - that now these newsfcukers would get back on the ball? That they would start tackling the body instead of being bamboozled by the puck?

Well, well...what d'ya know. They're playing their exact same roll all over again with Iran as they did with Iraq. And it's going over just dandy with most - except of course the usual marginal complainers like ourselves.

It's god damn poetry I tell ya. Poetry. CNN and the perfect hairline mongoloids are gonna waltz our tax dollars and youngins right into another satanic orgy of death and destruction.

1/19/2006 7:00 AM  
Blogger Effwit said...

Meatball One:

Your media experience has no doubt taught you the truth behind "the mighty wurlitzer."

These fuckers are all about money, just like their co-conspirators in government.

Being a journalist used to be the natural home for drunkards and dopers, and the pay reflected as much.

Now these weasels are highly paid "professionals", and service their bosses appropriately.

Not that this is any news to you, but the casual browser might find it helpful.

On the national security beat, it is the same as it ever was. Just like in the days of W.R. Hearst, if the man wants a war, our fourth estate will be willing to create the necessary conditions.

1/19/2006 11:03 AM  
Blogger DrewL said...

And I thought we were fighting a "war on terror." But since we can't catch or kill Osama, I guess they figure Iran is the next best target. At least it's a known and stationary target, which helps. Last time I checked, it the vicinity of Iraq. What a coincidence!!

1/20/2006 12:07 AM  
Blogger Effwit said...


Gannon is indeed a most public example of the legion of "media whores" on the job in Washington.

On the Israel/Iran skullduggery, I have heard that Israel, despite talking a good game against Iran, actually uses Iran as a Shiite counterbalance against the teeming Sunni hordes.

On Clinton giving Iran bomb plans, I had heard that the plans had crucial flaws to slow the development of any Iranian nuke.

1/20/2006 10:29 AM  
Blogger Effwit said...

Drew L:

America (or Amerikkka, as one of my favorite pundits puts it) always needs to be fighting one type of war or another to keep sucking economic riches from the taxpayer into the hands of the military contractors who are among the most influential of the "real" owners of our country.

1/20/2006 10:33 AM  
Blogger Effwit said...


You may very well be right, vis-a-vis Israeli skullduggery.

But if "our" operatives are stupid enough to provide plans that are insufficently tweaked, they deserve what they will get.

1/20/2006 6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has begun. Iran Oil Bourse traded in Euros = War in Iran. Simple as that. It's like we're at the start of the circus and we know the chimp riding the elephant will be the finale, we're just not sure what the in-between bits of entertainment will be. (Fire breathers or clowns on unicycles?) Just a shame blogzy is down for new posting, can't wake the masses from their slumber.

1/22/2006 2:10 AM  
Blogger Effwit said...


It's getting grim.

I heard that Iran has begun pulling their assets out of Europe. That can't be a good sign.

I hope Blogzy gets fixed soon, we need to counter the official propaganda.

1/22/2006 9:00 AM  

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