Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hard Sell Even In Kuwait

Meshary Alruwaih, a young Kuwaiti ally in the American-led effort to remake her region in our liberal-democratic image, finds her mission "increasingly tough." Kuwait is one of the most pro-American states in the region, but her communist and Islamist friends think she's a lackey:

To be honest with you I'm not winning any arguments.... [The] US has made it very hard for those who admire it to defend anything American.

So, she's developed a promising new strategy:

If I want to sell the idea of human rights, I have to disassociate them from any connection with the American way of life, if I want to sell the concept of democracy I have to take out the American flavour, and if I want to sell the notion of private property rights I have to declare that it has nothing to do with American capitalism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1/14/2007 7:19 AM  

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