Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Virginia: A Test Case For Electronic Voting

Today is election day in Virginia.

The state holds the distinction of having a Governor's race the year immediately following the Presidential elections. Predictably this results in the race being viewed as a referendum on the party occupying the White House. The unbroken precedent since the days of Jimmy Carter has been for the Governor to be chosen from the opposite party from the householder at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The fact that Virginia allows a Governor only one term in office eliminates any bias from a popular incumbent running again. I suppose in theory that the coat-tails of a really beloved Governor could be exploited, but I have never heard of a beloved Governor here of either party.

The election today provides a real-life test of the belief of many that the Republicans have engineered the electronic voting machines to favor the less popular candidate.

There is no way in God's green earth that the travails of President Bush and other prominent Republicans wont deal a coup de grace to Republican candidate Jerry Kilgore.

If Kilgore, who was trailing by a statistically insignificant margin in pre-election polls, manages to pull this one off, I would consider it to be additional circumstantial evidence against the trustworthiness of electronic voting machines as currently designed.


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